Once upon a time and place far, far away there was a young goddess who roamed the lands of the mortals looking for fun and adventure. One cold lazy afternoon in early 1999 she finally found what the mortals had all been raving about..the internet. Her first exporsure to it involved a computer that was color coded (she had not a clue how to put it together) so that she could get on to the fast moving train about to pass her by.

Upon reaching the land of the internet she fast became friends with many people, joining many clubs and floating around the club scene for awhile. Tiring of the every day realms she created on of her.
It entailed the world of mages, thiefs, warriors, immortals and many magical creatures. This world was a hit to many and was the home for even more. It was destroyed by an evil immortal who was after many souls, he was the goddess's brother.

After a long battle the goddes let the the evil brother go along with her world. Upon that time Damsel found her and introduced her to another realm. A realm the goddess could call home. I entered the realm of RPG and never looked back. It opened my eyes to the realms of life and now I am actively pursuing a career in the land of the net. I am happily married and have recently added to my family. For the moment it has stolen every minute of my time..but for us immortals what is time?

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